In this issue
Changing the game of change-making
Louie Gardiner
Thinking global: Making a difference with our difference
Jackee Holder
Coach and horses
Lisa Brice
Fit for purpose: getting the bestÌýsupervision for your practiceÌý(free article)
Sarah Corrie and Jo Birch
Become a Â鶹Դ´ adjudicator
John O’ Dowd
New framework for supervisor training
Helen Coles
A day in the life
Management consultant and NLP trainer Marilyn Devonish
Coach journeys
Author of Compassionate Coaching and Practical Magic,ÌýArielle Essex, in conversation with Eve Menezes Cunningham
A pdf of this issue is available in theÌýCoaching Today archive
When I took on the role of editing this journalÌýthree years ago, a major part of my remit wasÌýto represent the diversity of the coachingÌýprofession by giving voice to both the Â鶹Դ´ÌýCoaching membership and beyond. For instance,Ìýnot every writer who features in the pages ofÌýthis journal is a member of Â鶹Դ´ or has come toÌýcoaching from a therapeutic background. ManyÌýof you are working in healthcare, education,Ìýacademia, private practice, business, the arts orÌýa combination of these fields. I have also alwaysÌýbeen conscious of following Â鶹Դ´â€™s aims as anÌýorganisation to actively promote and encourageÌýequality, diversity and inclusion, and to reflectÌýthat within the pages of this journal.
But in endeavouring to reflect the diversity ofÌýour profession, I am naturally led to ask – just howÌýdiverse is it? And what is the day-to-day experience of a coach or coach-therapist who isÌýsituated outside the dominant culture – ie white,Ìýable-bodied, cisgendered, heterosexual?
I’m honoured therefore that, for this issue’sÌýThinking Global piece, Jackee Holder has bravelyÌýoffered to share her personal perspective as aÌýcoach and a woman of African-Caribbean originÌýworking in the UK. Jackee’s experiences make forÌýsobering reading. In her piece she challenges theÌýnotion that diversity is homogenous – that we areÌýall in some way ‘diverse’ – and calls for moreÌýconscious conversations around issues of race,Ìýethnicity and inclusion. Jackee’s piece suggestsÌýthat the quality of conversation and dialogue isÌýseriously lacking both in public and private debateÌýand in our professional training and development.ÌýReading her piece, I was particularly struck by herÌýsentence: ‘Yet it is the thread that truly connectsÌýus to the other and the other to us if we are willingÌýto take the risk starting with the self.’
Conscious communication and connection isÌýat the core of our work as coaches and therapists,Ìýand I publish Jackee’s piece in the hope that itÌýseeds further conversation and debate aroundÌýthe issue of diversity and difference in ourÌýprofession.
Some of you may recall Jackee’s feature in anÌýearlier issue of Coaching Today on writing as aÌýcreative personal and professional developmentÌýpractice. This issue welcomes other writers backÌýto the Coaching Today fold and sees the launchÌýof a special three-part series on supervision byÌýwriting partnership Sarah Corrie and Jo BirchÌý(whose piece on marketing and branding forÌýdual-trained practitioners proved to be veryÌýpopular with readers back in April). I am alsoÌýdelighted to welcome back Louie Gardiner who,Ìýin a follow-up to her fascinating article last yearÌýon human systems dynamics, continues herÌýinvestigation into complexity sciences andÌýintroduces her new model for supporting clientsÌýthrough deep and lasting change andÌýtransformation.
As ever, I hope you will find some food forÌýthought in the pages of this issue. Your feedbackÌýand comments are welcome. If you haven’t doneÌýso already, please take the time to complete ourÌýonline survey.ÌýAlso, look out for the new online edition ofÌýCoaching Today, which launches with our winterÌýissue in January.
Diane Parker