In this issue
The ABCD of working with diversity:Ìýa new modelÌý(free article)
Katharine Collins
The languishing limbo:Ìýcoaching for wellbeing
Jolanta Burke
Coaching conversations:Ìýsetting effective boundaries
Sally Brown
Nature has a role to play in coaching
Margaret Walsh
Ask the Executive
‘How do I set my prices as a coach?’
Meet the member
Sue Sutcliffe
A pdf of this issue is available in the Coaching Today archive.
If you were at our Working with Coaching day inÌýLondon back in January (or if, like me, you weren’tÌýable to attend, our Chair Eve Menezes CunninghamÌýincludes an excellent conference report in herÌýregular message), you will have seenÌýour lead writer in this issue, Katharine Collins,Ìýspeak about her experiences of working withÌýdifference in the coaching relationship.
When we encounter clients who we perceiveÌýas somehow different from us, this can sometimesÌý(though not always) engender feelings ofÌýinadequacy or guilt, or simply a sense of beingÌýunable to provide what the client needs, orÌýfeeling ‘out of our depth’. These perceivedÌýdifferences can range from the more obviousÌýmarkers such as race, religion, gender, sexuality,Ìýethnicity, age and class, but can also encompassÌýmore subtle differences, such as lifestyleÌýchoices. In my private practice, I tend to attractÌýpeople – mainly women – who work in the artsÌýand creative or helping professions, and whoÌýlead a ‘multipotentialite’ or ‘scanner’ kind ofÌýlifestyle, meaning that they don’t necessarilyÌýhave one dominant career path but tend to haveÌýa variety of projects on the go at any one time.ÌýIn other words, women much like me. They mayÌýwork in a different medium to me – the landscapeÌýgardener who makes music, the yoga instructorÌýwho writes poetry, the actor who is undertakingÌýa part-time counselling degree – but already weÌýhave a shared understanding of the field, and IÌýknow they are drawn to me for that reason. It isÌýonly in the past few years, since expanding myÌýpractice into different areas, that I have beenÌýpushed out of my comfort zone and challengedÌýto work with people who, at a superficial level atÌýleast, appear to be very different from me. In suchÌýcases, I have found myself looking for the commonÌýground, the area in which we meet and whereÌý– to paraphrase the former Labour MP Jo Cox,Ìýwho Katharine quotes in her article – ‘we haveÌýmore in common than the things that divide us’.
Using her work with lesbian, gay, bisexual,Ìýtransgender and queer (LGBTQ) communities asÌýa starting point, Katharine describes how sheÌýwas challenged when she found herself workingÌýwith a client who she experienced at first as veryÌýdifferent from her. In acknowledging that, forÌýher, working with diversity was not confined toÌýthe LGBTQ community, she used this experienceÌýto devise and develop a simple model for workingÌýwith diverse populations, and I am delighted thatÌýshe has chosen to share this with us – and her ownÌýstory of how she was inspired – here in this issue.
As coaches, we can often find ourselvesÌýworking with clients who may have previousÌýexperience of being in therapy – or indeed whoÌýmay still be seeing a therapist in conjunctionÌýwith their coaching work with us. Even thoseÌýof us who work integratively may be operatingÌýmore at the coaching end of the scale with aÌýparticular client, particularly if that client alreadyÌýhas a long-standing relationship with an existingÌýtherapist. You may have also encountered clientsÌýwho are stuck in what Dr Jolanta Burke describesÌýas ‘the languishing limbo’: clients who are not – orÌýare no longer – deemed mentally unwell, but whoÌýare far from flourishing either. In her specialÌýfeature in this issue, Jolanta examines a rangeÌýof wellbeing models and demonstrates how weÌýcoaches, using our own therapeutic knowledge,Ìýare uniquely placed to help clients out of theÌýlanguishing limbo and into a place where theyÌýare able to thrive, rather than merely survive.
Establishing, maintaining and navigatingÌýboundaries is a crucial part of the work weÌýdo with our clients, perhaps even more soÌýfor those of us working at the boundary ofÌýcoaching and counselling/psychotherapy. SoÌýwhen Â鶹Դ´ Coaching’s Executive Specialist forÌýCommunication, Sally Brown, suggested thatÌýshe compile a third Coaching ConversationsÌýfeature on this subject, I was so excited I offeredÌýto add my voice to the mix. The result is anÌýarticle featuring the views of a range of coachesÌý(including yours truly), exploring how weÌýnavigate and negotiate boundaries in our workÌýwith clients, if these differ from our therapeuticÌýboundaries, and if so – how?
Finally, by the time you read this, spring willÌýhave well and truly sprung (I hope), and in thatÌýspirit, Margaret Walsh makes a compellingÌýcase for bringing more of the natural world intoÌýour coaching relationships. With all this talk ofÌýfields, diversity, thriving, flourishing andÌýboundaries, it’s already there in the languageÌýthat we use. What do you think? Drop me a lineÌýand let me know.
May we tend to our gardens and may theÌýseeds we sow flower.
Until next time…
Diane Parker