In this issue
Pioneers in the new commissioning landscape
The any qualified provider (AQP) scheme opens up the NHSÌýmarketplace to a wider range of psychological therapy providers.ÌýIn a continuation of our series on commissioning in NHS England,Ìýwe talk to early innovators Anne Drummond, Jane Hind and VickiÌýPalmer
Recognising psychosis
Early detection and treatment of this severe mental illness is vital toÌýincrease chances of recovery – and primary care practitioners couldÌýhave a role to play, reports Lyndsey Holt
Diagnosis of a chronic condition: implications for life
Mike Kelly, a psychotherapist specialising in working with peopleÌýdiagnosed with kidney failure, presents an overview of some of theÌýpsychological issues a diagnosis can bring
No entry
Through a case vignette, Carol Martin-Sperry provides an insightÌýinto her work as a sex therapist
Perceptions of hospice bereavement counselling
A study by Bob Powell found room for more fully integratingÌýbereavement support into hospice philosophy
Views of hypnotherapy
Following on from the article about combining hypnotherapy withÌýCBT in the last issue, we feature two different approaches to usingÌýhypnotherapy in practice
Tackling depressed mood through exercise
Evidence shows us that physical activity can benefit mental health,Ìýsays Andrew Peden
Making an impact
To reconnect with her values, person-centred therapist MichelleÌýOldale explored what it would take to become an aid worker
Development – Â鶹Դ´ Healthcare
Louise Robinson: Learning from the Francis Report
Counselling in primary care
Richard Mason: Send three and fourpence, we are going to a dance!
Third sector perspective
Michael Lilley: Coming off the fence
GP viewpoint
John Hague: Moving debate into the public realm
Janet Garner
Not all articles from this issue are available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýHealthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy JournalÌýarchive.
From the editor
Changes in the way NHS psychologicalÌýservices are commissioned are likely toÌýaffect many of us in the months to come.ÌýFrom April this year, clinicalÌýcommissioning groups (CCGs) replaced primaryÌýcare trusts (PCTs) as the organisers of funding toÌýthe NHS; with their introduction came a range ofÌýpossible commissioning models, one of which,ÌýAny Qualified Provider (AQP), aims to introduceÌýcompetition into the marketplace and increaseÌýpatient choice.
Changes can be unnerving: under AQP, whichÌýisn’t mandatory for commissioners but hasÌýalready been introduced in some areas, existingÌýpsychological therapy providers may findÌýthemselves in competition with newly-contractedÌýservices to win NHS referrals. On the other hand,ÌýAQP has the potential to ensure a choice ofÌýcounselling and psychotherapy services that areÌýtailored to the needs of local communities. ItÌýcould also mean that there will be a wider choiceÌýof therapy modalities available to clients and soÌýmore opportunity for services and/or individualsÌýto provide them on the NHS.
Although the CCGs didn’t officially take controlÌýof NHS commissioning until April 2013, manyÌýdid exist in shadow form before that, and AQP hasÌýbeen operational in some places since last year.ÌýIn a continuation of our series of articles onÌýcommissioning, we talk to pioneers who haveÌýalready gained AQP status, with the aim ofÌýhelping others prepare for the process.
Keeping you updated on changes in healthcare isÌýpart of the work of this journal, but many of theÌýfeatures in this issue remind us that the work weÌýdo with clients continues despite the upheavalÌýoften going on around us. Mike Kelly’s article onÌýworking with clients diagnosed with a chronicÌýcondition focuses on some of the psychologicalÌýprocesses a client can go through as they beginÌýto find ways of enabling them to cope. WrittenÌýwith therapists working in primary care in mindÌýbut informative to all, Lyndsey Holt’s article onÌýrecognising psychosis aims to informÌýpractitioners who could play a part inÌýidentification and instigating the assessmentÌýprocess to specialist services. Important because,Ìýas Lyndsey stresses, early detection andÌýtreatment of this severe mental illness is vitalÌýas chances of recovery are increased the soonerÌýit is diagnosed.
Elsewhere, we have a range of articles covering aÌýbreadth of subjects, from hospice counselling andÌýhypnotherapy, to sex therapy and using exerciseÌýto treat depression. And, to serve as inspiration,Ìýwe feature a piece by person-centred therapistÌýMichelle Oldale who, in an endeavour toÌýreconnect with her values, make a positiveÌýimpact, and engage in reflection, explored what itÌýwould take to become an aid worker. Michelle’sÌýarticle brings us a welcome reminder of theÌýongoing requirement to look after ourselves inÌýthe work we do – never more important than atÌýa time of change.
Sarah Hovington