In this issue


Fat stigma in therapyÌý(free article)
Naomi Moller asks how fat stigma mayÌýaffect the therapeutic process and whatÌýthe profession should do about it.

Challenging fat oppression
Fat oppression can do more harm to healthÌýthan being overweight, argues Jo Reader.

Bullying within the counselling profession
Sarah Skarbek reports views from a LinkedInÌýdiscussion about bullying and why it thrivesÌýwithin the counselling profession.

Problem gamblers and their mothers
Gambling addicts’ families can sometimesÌýneed help themselves to escape a dependencyÌýon the addiction, writes Anne Glynn.

Working with our clients’ worlds
Jonathan Hales emphasises the need to workÌýwith clients’ here and now as well as their past.

Working with ADHD and Asperger syndrome
Nature and nurture both have a role in ADHDÌýand Asperger’s, writes Sue Jones.


News focus: Parity – empty promise or panacea?
What would the health service look like if psychological therapies were fully funded to meet need? A new Â鶹ԭ´´ report makes a powerful case for parity. Catherine Jackson reports

In practice
Jeanine Connor: So this is Christmas

In the client's chair
Rose Rouse: Exploring echoes of the past

The researcher
Barry McInnes: And so, again, to IAPT

Talking point
Alison Summers:ÌýA better understanding of psychosis

How I became a therapist
Alistair Appleton

Lying by omission?

The interview
Andrew Reeves: Soul, science and humour


Meet the Â鶹ԭ´´ vice presidents
Julia Samuel

Cover of Therapy Today, December 2014

Members and subscribers can download the pdf of this issue from the Therapy Today archive


A few weeks ago I noticed a Twitter campaignÌýaimed at Gemma Collins, a TV personalityÌýwho had apparently quit I’m a Celebrity… afterÌýonly three days. I was shocked by the crueltyÌýof the social media abuse, which centred onÌýfat jokes and how she couldn’t get enough toÌýeat in the jungle. It’s hard to imagine anyone inÌýthis day and age discriminating so explicitly onÌýthe basis of race, gender or sexuality, althoughÌýsocial media trolls seem to know no bounds.

Not being familiar with the background toÌýthe programme, I asked my teenage son, whoÌýconfirmed that it was a bit harsh but probablyÌýhad more to do with her lack of popularity thanÌýher size. When I went on to ask him aboutÌýfat prejudice however, he said straight awayÌýthat he didn’t like fat teachers. He said thatÌýall this information about leading healthy livesÌýmakes you think, ‘Well, what are you doing?’Ìý

In this issue two therapists write aboutÌýhow being fat might affect the therapeuticÌýrelationship. Naomi Moller outlines theÌýbackground to the so-called obesity epidemicÌýand society’s growing fat stigma and challengesÌýus to think about how this might affectÌýcounsellor and client. If there are more andÌýmore fat people then there must be more andÌýmore fat therapists, she argues, and for clientsÌýand the profession, surely this matters? SheÌýquotes Yalom’s case study, ‘The Fat Lady’,Ìýin which he openly describes his revulsionÌýtowards his fat client: ‘I find them disgusting,’Ìýhe writes, ‘their absurd sidewise waddle...Ìýeverything I like to see in a woman, obscuredÌýin an avalanche of flesh…’ Despite a lack ofÌýresearch on the subject, it seems likely thatÌýfat stigma will affect a client’s view of a fatÌýtherapist, argues Moller, and may in turn affectÌýthe therapeutic alliance, which is a predictorÌýof client outcome.

Jo Reader is concerned that, as ethicalÌýpractitioners, we should free ourselves of fatÌýprejudice and not make assumptions aboutÌýa fat client’s mental and physical health. InÌýher own experience it is fat stigma and notÌýfat itself that is likely to have the greatestÌýnegative influence on a person’s emotionalÌýand physical wellbeing.

Sarah Browne