In this issue
In the shadow ofÌýdetentionÌý(free article)
Jude Boyles and MohammedÌýShaez describe the role ofÌýcounsellors supportingÌýasylum seekers.
When CBT doesn’t help
Helen Hadfield deploresÌýthe predominance of CBT.
Empathy key to CBT
Rod Holland revisits CBT’sÌýfundamental principles.
The strength to change
Mark Farrall and Nick YoungÌýon a new approach to tacklingÌýmen’s domestic violence.
Face to face withÌýRembrandt
Peter Cook describes aÌýmoment of truth inspiredÌýby the Old Master.
What if it’s your child?
A first-person account fromÌýa parent and therapist whoseÌýchild has been sectioned.
Peer supervision andÌýcollaborative power
Emma Wilkinson explores theÌýchallenges of peer supervision.
The value of place
Claire Sparrow works from aÌýshepherd’s hut in her garden.
Your views
Jeanine Connor: I'm judged therefore I am
A college counsellor: Student or suspect?
Anon: My year working in the NHS
News focus:ÌýOpening the door to Muslim womenÌý
South Asian Muslim women and girls are among the hardest to reach and hardest to help. Catherine Jackson reports from a recent conference
How I became a therapist
Emily Wheeler
Managing the space outside the therapy room
Members and subscribers can download the pdf from the Therapy Today archive.
Editorial: The unsung heroes
I want to pick up on something thatÌýAndrew Reeves has written in his columnÌýthis month about how easy it is to getÌýso distracted by the many challengesÌýthe profession faces that we forget toÌýacknowledge the work that counsellorsÌýand psychotherapists, the members ofÌýÂ鶹Դ´, do every day.
You work in all sortsÌýof circumstances, often for little or noÌýreward, completely committed to yourÌýclients, often listening to the mostÌýappalling experiences while workingÌýto the highest professional and ethicalÌýstandards.ÌýI think this is reflected inÌýthe pages of this journal every month,Ìýin the accounts we publish of therapists’Ìýwork in areas that society so oftenÌýdoesn’t really want to know about.
This month, for instance, we haveÌýMark Farrall and Nick Young’sÌýdescription of their innovativeÌýtherapeutic programme with menÌýwho are violent towards their partners,Ìýdescribing how, with patience andÌýpersistence, these men can engageÌýwith positive family relationships inÌýwhich their partners and children feelÌýless afraid. Then there’s the News FocusÌýon Muslim counsellors reaching outÌýto offer a safe space to fellow MuslimÌýwomen who may be subject to strictÌýcultural codes and traditions that actÌýto keep them locked away from anyÌýoutside help. These counsellors areÌýeffectively also pioneers.
Jude Boyles’ account, co-written withÌýher client Mohammed, about the workÌýof counsellors at Freedom from TortureÌýis another example. Here they describeÌýfrom the perspective of counsellor andÌýclient what it is like to be detained and atÌýrisk of being deported back to a countryÌýwhere the asylum seeker and their familyÌýmay face further torture and even death.ÌýSuch counsellors are a lifeline to asylumÌýseekers who often have no other networkÌýof support in this country. Where theÌýstate is failing asylum seekers such asÌýMohammed by reneging on its policyÌýagainst detention of torture survivorsÌýand creating conditions in which clientsÌýare retraumatised by incarceration andÌýthreat of deportation, counsellors atÌýorganisations like Freedom from TortureÌýare walking alongside their fellow humanÌýbeings in their darkest hour, ringingÌýthem daily throughout their detention,Ìýoffering telephone counselling to helpÌýthem manage their fears, encouragingÌýthem not to give up hope.
I agree with Andrew – work like thisÌýis nothing short of breathtaking.
Sarah Browne