In this issue


Working on the edge:Ìýsupporting aid workersÌý(free article)
Fiona Dunkley reports onÌýhow InterHealth WorldwideÌýsupports aid workers whoÌýrespond to international crises.

‘You don’t talk yourÌýbusiness to people’
Helen George explores theÌýbarriers that prevent AfricanÌýCaribbean older womenÌýfrom seeking counselling.

The NHS in 2015
Gillian Proctor reflects onÌýhow the NHS has changedÌýsince 2002.

Retirement – a taleÌýof attachment and loss
Anne Power outlines theÌýdilemmas for therapistsÌýconsidering retirement.

When supervisionÌýgoes wrong
Els van Ooijen considers whatÌýcan go wrong if supervisorsÌýare not adequately preparedÌýfor the role.


Your viewsÌý
Andrew Samuels: A new therapy for politics

Mike Ellen: Schools need mental health education

How I became a therapist
Susan Utting-Simon

Maintaining boundaries in couple work


From the chair
Andrew Reeves: When it comes to mental health the obvious is missed time and time again

Cover of Therapy Today, November 2015

A pdf of this issue is available in theÌýTherapy Today archive

Editorial: Cultural barriers to counselling

The issue of hard-to-reach groups isÌýan ongoing challenge for mental healthÌýservices. Research shows that black,ÌýAsian, minority ethnic and older peopleÌýare among the groups least likely to accessÌýcounselling services. Helen GeorgeÌýcarried out research looking at whatÌýprevents older African Caribbean womenÌýfrom seeking help with mental healthÌýproblems. Her findings make interestingÌýreading. Culturally, opening up andÌýtalking about personal problems is not theÌýnorm amongst African Caribbean women.ÌýTheir coping mechanisms are more likelyÌýto be their faith and drawing strengthÌýfrom being part of their community.

One thing that particularly struck meÌýwas that participants felt the tough livesÌýthey had led – coming over to the UK,Ìýbringing children from the West Indies,Ìýfinding work, often doing several menialÌýjobs, enduring racism – had createdÌýresilience: ‘That was a real test in life…’Ìýsaid one interviewee. ‘Now they gonnaÌýlook in your face and tell you that theyÌýdon’t want no counselling because theyÌýhave gone through all that without anyÌýhelp.’ Another interviewee cited racismÌýas a reason for not being offered support.ÌýHelen works for an IAPT service,Ìýwhich she says has made great effortsÌýto reach out to this group, but this sortÌýof awareness building, she argues, needsÌýto happen throughout the profession.

In 2002 Gillian Proctor wrote anÌýarticle for the Â鶹ԭ´´ Healthcare journalÌýin which she imagined the history ofÌýthe NHS from 1985 to 2015. In this issueÌýshe considers the extent to which herÌýpredictions – for what is essentiallyÌýthe ongoing privatisation of the NHS –Ìýhave come true and forecasts furtherÌýdevelopments for the future. In 2002ÌýGillian described the ‘efficiency’ andÌý‘accountability’ discourses which haveÌýled to the reduction of resources – soÌýthat cheapest is usually best – and theÌý‘industry of regulating bodies’ that weÌýrecognise in the NHS today. The effectÌýof all this on mental healthcare hasÌýof course been profound. Her hopeÌýis that, despite now having to operateÌýin a ‘value-free technological-basedÌýhealthcare’, the values of counsellorsÌýand psychotherapists will continue toÌýhave an impact on individual clients.

Sarah Browne