In this issue
Rebuilding the jigsawÌý(free article)
Gillie Jenkinson spent years in anÌýabusive cult. Now she specialises inÌýcounselling others recovering fromÌýsimilar experiences
The power of acceptance
Struggling with dyslexia hasÌýhelped therapist Roger Helyar toÌýempathise with others
Addressing spirituality in aÌýmultidisciplinary context
Peter Johnson shares his learning
Special focus -Ìý±Ê²õ²â³¦³ó´Ç²õ²â²Ô³Ù³ó±ð²õ¾±²õÌý
The journey of psychosynthesis
Will Parfitt begins a Thresholds special focus on psychosynthesis, by describing whatÌýlies at the heart of the therapeutic approach that he has championed for over 30 years
Listening to the soul (free article)
Counsellor MelodyÌýCranbourne-RosserÌýexplains how she worksÌýwith psychosynthesis
Beyond the wounded healer
Sophia PrevezanouÌýdraws on her researchÌýfindings to considerÌýwhat may motivateÌýtherapists to trainÌýin psychosynthesis
Alistair Ross and Tim Marks believeÌýthat therapists have much to gainÌýfrom a deeper understanding of theÌýChristian faith
The gift of hospitality
Manu Bazzano examines theÌýsignificance of hospitality to bothÌýthe therapeutic relationship andÌýBuddhism
APSCC Conference 2011
Summarised for you
In memory of ChrisÌýJenkins: 1960 – 2011
Friends, colleagues and readersÌýshare their memories
Obituary: Derek Blows
Lead advisor update
From the chair
Task and Finish Group
All articles from this issue are not yet available online. Divisional members and subscribers can download the pdf from theÌýThresholds archive.
Welcome from the editor
What do we mean byÌýspirituality? How do weÌýdefine it? Indeed, can we?ÌýDo we need to? What has becomeÌýincreasingly clear while editing thisÌýissue of Thresholds is that whileÌýspirituality is undoubtedly anÌýintensely personal, intimate concept,Ìýconversely, it can be infinitely broad in both itsÌýinterpretation and expression. To some, for example,Ìýit involves being supported by a faith; to others itÌýabsolutely does not. In short, it can mean very differentÌýthings to different people.
Thresholds aims to represent the diverse spiritualityÌýof all its readers, whatever that may mean to them.ÌýIt aims to be inclusive to all practitioners with anÌýinterest or involvement in spirituality or pastoral care.ÌýIn order therefore to get a feel for how well the journalÌýis currently meeting those aims, a short questionnaireÌýis included. I would encourage you to takeÌýpart – as your views are what count above anything else.
Elsewhere in this issue, I hope you enjoy the insightsÌýinto the lives of two therapists, who each share theirÌýpersonal and professional journeys. Gillie JenkinsonÌýsurvived many years in an abusive cult, but emerged,Ìýfound strength to put her life and spirit back together,Ìýand today is a psychotherapist specialising in workingÌýwith former cult members.ÌýRoger Helyar has devoted much of his life toÌýworking with individuals who, for whatever reason,Ìýhave needed support. Over the years he has openedÌýhis home to provide a family environment to peopleÌýwho needed that stability. His severe dyslexia hasÌýbeen not a handicap, but rather a means of betterÌýunderstanding others in his therapeutic work, as heÌýexplains.Ìý
Roger and Gillie were just two of the delegates I wasÌýdelighted to meet at this year’s APSCC Conference, inÌýSeptember. The friendly atmosphere, the professionalismÌýof the event organisation and the high standard of theÌýprogramme made it an extremely enjoyable two days,Ìýbut best of all was meeting the people who makeÌýup this uniquely rich and diverse division of Â鶹Դ´.Ìý
The Conference this year was notable for the absenceÌýof one man, who until very recently was at the heartÌýof both the APSCC division and Thresholds. ChrisÌýJenkins, former APSCC Chair and Thresholds editor,Ìýsadly passed away in August, and is missed by many.ÌýWhile liaising with Chris on the last issue of Thresholds,ÌýI found it an incredible feat that he had managed toÌýproduce the journal from his hospital bed. You can readÌýthe many personal, poignant, and often humorous,Ìýmemories of Chris, who would have been celebratingÌý25 years as a priest on 31 January 2012, from friends,Ìýcolleagues and readers.Ìý
I would like to thank all the contributors to this issueÌýof Thresholds and to invite all readers of the journal toÌýsee themselves as potential contributors. Please contactÌýme, whether you have an article or idea to suggest, orÌýwhether you just want your opinion on the journal toÌýbe heard.
Jacqui Gray
Acting Editor