Open article



News and resources
A summary of current issues and opportunities in our sector

Book reviews
Featuring The single-session counselling primer by W Dryden; Sweet distress by G Bridge and How to Tell Depression to Piss Off by J Withey.


A transformative journey

Mark Fudge

"...there are casualties and hidden costs, which, at a human and interpersonal level, will present to us in the therapeutic work we undertake"

Notes from the Chair, Mark Fudge

Achieving a balance

Mary Jones

"...we have had and will continue to have, a significant role in stabilising many people’s lives"

Notes from Colleges, Mary Jones

Anne Bentley

"...I wonder if I have become so used to the absence of body that it’s hard to imagine it present in therapy."

Notes from HUCS, Anne Bentley

Sharing data

Afra Turner

"All acknowledge the ongoing increase in demand for student mental health support..."

Notes from researchÌýSIG, Afra Turner