Extract from the Ethical Framework
30.ÌýWe will usually provide clients with the information they ought to know in advance inÌýorder to make an informed decision about the services they want to receive, how theseÌýservices will be delivered and how information or data about them will be protected.ÌýWhere the urgency or seriousness of the situation requires us to intervene beforeÌýproviding such information, we will do so at the first appropriate opportunity.
31.ÌýWe will give careful consideration to how we reach agreement with clients and willÌýcontract with them about the terms on which our services will be provided. AttentionÌýwill be given to:
a. reaching an agreement or contract that takes account of each client’s expressedÌýneeds and choices so far as possible
b. communicating terms and conditions of the agreement or contract in ways easilyÌýunderstood by the client and appropriate to their context
c. stating clearly how a client’s confidentiality and privacy will be protected and anyÌýcircumstances in which confidential or private information will be communicated toÌýothers
d. providing the client with a record or easy access to a record of what has been agreedÌý
e. keeping a record of what has been agreed and of any changes or clarifications whenÌýthey occur
f. being watchful for any potential contractual incompatibilities between agreementsÌýwith our clients and any other contractual agreements applicable to the work beingÌýundertaken and proactively strive to avoid these wherever possible or promptlyÌýalert the people with the power or responsibility to resolve these contradictions.
32.ÌýWe will periodically review each client’s progress and, when practicable, seek ourÌýclient’s views on how we are working together.
33.ÌýWe will establish and maintain appropriate professional and personal boundaries inÌýour relationships with clients by ensuring that:
a. these boundaries are consistent with the aims of working together and beneficial toÌýthe client
b. any dual or multiple relationships will be avoided where the risks of harm to theÌýclient outweigh any benefits to the client
c. reasonable care is taken to separate and maintain a distinction between ourÌýpersonal and professional presence on social media where this could result inÌýharmful dual relationships with clients
d. the impact of any dual or multiple relationships will be periodically reviewedÌýin supervision and discussed with clients when appropriate. They may also beÌýdiscussed with any colleagues or managers in order to enhance the integrity of theÌýwork being undertaken.
34.ÌýWe will not have sexual relationships with or behave sexually towards our clients,Ìýsupervisees or trainees.
35.ÌýWe will not exploit or abuse our clients in any way: financially, emotionally, physically,Ìýsexually or spiritually.
36.ÌýWe will avoid having sexual relationships with or behaving sexually towards peopleÌýwhom we know to be close to our clients in order to avoid undermining our clients’Ìýtrust in us or damaging the therapeutic relationship.
37.ÌýWe will avoid continuing or resuming any relationships with former clients that couldÌýharm the client or damage any benefits from the therapeutic work undertaken. WeÌýrecognise that conflicts of interest and issues of power or dependence may continueÌýafter our working relationship with a client, supervisee or trainee has formally ended.ÌýTherefore:
a. we will exercise caution before entering into personal or business relationships withÌýformer clients
b. we will avoid sexual or intimate relationships with former clients or people close toÌýthem. Exceptionally, such a relationship will only be permissible following carefulÌýconsideration in supervision and, whenever possible, following discussion withÌýexperienced colleagues or others concerned about the integrity of the counsellingÌýprofessions, when:
- enough time has elapsed or the circumstances of the people concerned haveÌýsufficiently changed to establish a distinction between the former and proposedÌýnew relationshipÌý
- any therapeutic dynamics from the former relationship have been sufficientlyÌýresolved to enable beginning a different type of relationship. (This may notÌýbe possible with some clients or inappropriate to some therapeutic ways ofÌýworking.)Ìý
- an equivalent service to the one provided by the practitioner is available to theÌýformer client, should this be wanted in future
- the practitioner has taken demonstrable care in ensuring that the newÌýrelationship has integrity and is not exploitative
c. We will be professionally accountable if the relationship becomes detrimental toÌýthe former client or damages the standing of the profession
Why does the Ethical Framework talk about both 'agreements' and 'contracts'? Why not just 'contracts'?
Do our ethics apply too much attention to sex? Are we the new puritans or in danger of becoming Victorian prudes?