The definitions are provided as supplementary information. They should be understood as non-binding good practice guidance, which do not override or weaken the commitments contained in the Ethical Framework. Definitions may be adapted or refined to suit particular services or settings, where any changes are consistent with the Ethical Framework and these Ethical Guidelines.

For other terms and definitions, please see the Ethical Framework glossary.


In Section, the code indicates the sections and points within the Ethical FrameworkÌý(Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018)where the word or term appears.

  • C = Our commitment to clients
  • E = Ethics
  • GP = Good practice

So, for example, C2e can be found in the section Our commitment to clients, point 2, subpoint e.

Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Introduction, GP31, 31a,31b, 31f, 38, 55e, 83d​

Term Definition Section
Abuse Violation of another person's rights, for example by physical force, psychological manipulation or deception. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP35
Accountability Taking responsibility for one’s work and being willing to give an accurate accountÌýabout what has occurred to anyone to whom this responsibility is appropriatelyÌýowed, for example, clients, employers and professional colleagues. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
C6, GP50–54
Accurate All due care has been taken about the truthfulness, completeness and exactnessÌýof what is being communicated. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2e, 5b, E12, GP15, 45, 71, 75
Accurate records Records that are factually correct and complete and are careful to distinguish factÌýfrom opinion or interpretation. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2e, GP15, 71
Adjustments Changes to the physical circumstances or the way that a service is delivered inÌýorder to make it accessible to someone, particularly someone with a disability. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP22f
Agency 1) Any organisation that provides the services to clients.
2) The right to use one’s own power and authority to act for self.
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP64;
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E12
Agreement A shared understanding between two or more people about any terms orÌýconditions that have been mutually accepted. Agreement is an essentialÌýrequirement for a legally enforceable contract. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP26, 31, 31a, 31b,
31f, 64, 83d
Anonymised The removal of any information that would allow the person concerned to beÌýidentified or identifiable by any means from what is being communicated.ÌýFailure to anonymise adequately within the counsellingÌý professions can lead to aÌýbreach of trust with the person concerned and cause harm resulting in significantÌýembarrassment, anxiety or distress. Where there is any uncertainty about whetherÌýanonymisation will protect someone’s identity, it is ethically and legally goodÌýpractice to seek that person’s explicit consent to use that information and for howÌýthat information will be used.

Anonymisation is different in meaning from ‘pseudonymisation’, a term usedÌýin current data protection regulations. ‘Pseudonymisation’ is defined as ‘theÌýprocessing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can noÌýlonger be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additionalÌýinformation, provided that such additional information is kept separately and isÌýsubject to technical and organisational measures to ensure that the personal dataÌýare not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person’ (GDPR ArticleÌý4.5). An example of this would be where a client’s contact details and the client’sÌýrecords are kept separately, but linked with a reference number. PseudonymisedÌýinformation is regarded as personal data, and subject to the data protection law.

By contrast, anonymised information ceases to be ‘personal data’ with the associatedÌýlegal requirements and protection when any means of identifying the personÌýconcerned has been genuinely and irreversibly removed. The GDPR is very clear:Ìý'The principles of data protection should therefore not apply to anonymousÌýinformation, namely information which does not relate to an identified orÌýidentifiable natural person, or to personal data rendered anonymous in such aÌýmanner that the data subject is not or no longer identifiable. This regulation doesÌýnot therefore concern the processing of anonymous information, including forÌýstatistical or research purposes.’ (GDPR (26)).
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP55g, 78, 83a.
Appropriate Fitting and ethically right for its purpose. This term is widely used throughout theÌýEthical Framework for the Counselling Professions. Ìý
Appropriate records Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary. The decision about whatÌýis appropriate will take into account the ethical and legal requirements forÌýprocessing (includes making, keeping, using and sharing) records. See Ìý( for the latest information. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2e
Attitudes Persistent ways of feeling, behaving or holding an opinion about someone orÌýsomething. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP74
Being trustworthy The principle of being trustworthy prioritises honouring the trust people place inÌýthe practitioner, both as a person and as a professional, with particular attentionÌýto being trustworthy to clients in the counselling professions. This principleÌýunderpins the emphasis on integrity, openness and honesty, candour, integrity,Ìýand probity throughout the Ethical Framework. Even when a practitioner has doneÌýeverything in their power to be trustworthy, this cannot guarantee that trust willÌýbe given. The most a practitioner can achieve is to create the conditions in whichÌýit would be appropriate to be trusted. Whether or not trust is granted depends onÌýthe other person. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E5
Boundaries The limits in relationships between practitioners and their clients that, if crossedÌýcould cause harm to the client or contravene professional standards and ethics. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C4c, GP33, 33a, 63, 79
Breaching confidentiality Disclosing something that has been communicated in confidence by mutual agreementÌýor with the expectation that it will be kept secret. The expectation of secrecy may haveÌýbeen stated expressly or implied. Confidentiality is breached when any disclosure isÌýmade without the consent of the person concerned, legal authorisation or being legallyÌýdefensible in the public interest. Breaches can occur accidentally or deliberately. InÌýmost circumstances, obtaining the consent of the person concerned provides an ethicalÌýway of avoiding a breach of confidentiality. Any disclosure of confidential informationÌýrequires respecting the possible rights to confidentiality of any third person who isÌýidentifiable within the disclosure. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP9
Candour A commitment by practitioners about being open and honest about anythingÌýgoing wrong and to inform clients promptly if anything has occurred that placesÌýthe client at risk of harm or causes harm to their wellbeing or safety, even if theÌýclient is unaware of what has occurred. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C6, E12 and GP52a-e
Capability The capacity to be able to do something. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E12, GP29, 57
Children and young people Anyone under the age of 18 years in the UK.Ìý
See also:ÌýSafeguarding
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP27a-d
Circle of confidentiality This circle represents the boundary between people who are included orÌýexcluded from the confidentiality agreement with the client. It encompasses allÌýthe people who have access to confidential information about clients as partÌýof their usual work and are explicitly committed to treating that information asÌýconfidential, typically as a term of their employment. The people within the circleÌýof confidentiality may be identified to clients by name or role, for example inÌýcontracting. The communication of confidential information beyond the circleÌýof confidentiality will require client consent, being legally defensible in theÌýpublic interest, or legal authorisation by court order or statute.
See also:ÌýConfidentiality
Client A client is anyone in receipt of coaching, counselling, pastoral care, psychotherapyÌýor counselling skills from a member or registrant of the British Association forÌýCounselling and Psychotherapy. This includes being a supervisee or trainee. AllÌýclients are entitled to receive services that satisfy the commitments stated inÌýthe current Ethical Framework in ways that are appropriate to the type of serviceÌýbeing provided and its setting. Trainees, supervisees, and participants in researchÌýwill receive the same applicable commitments and ethical standards as any clientÌýreceiving services from a member of the counselling professions.

This term is widely used throughout the Ethical Framework for the CounsellingÌýProfessions.
Coaching A way of helping people that builds on their existing strengths to develop theirÌýpotential by enhancing their understanding of themselves, beliefs, behaviours orÌýactions. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Introduction – key terms, GP3
Colleagues Practitioners and people in closely associated roles who collaborate to deliverÌýservices to clients (and who are bound by similar or equivalent professionalÌýstandards). Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2c, E10, GP14c, 16, 17, 22b, 24, 33d, 37b, 44, 56-59
Competent Working with sufficient knowledge and skills to satisfy the fundamental standardsÌýfor the service being provided.Ìý
See also:ÌýProfessionalÌýstandards
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E12, GP13, 74
Confidentiality The protection of information that has been communicated in the expectation thatÌýit will be not be disclosed to others.
See also:ÌýReasonably foreseeable limitations to confidentiality
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C3b, GP9, 10, 13, 26, 31c, 42, 44,Ìý55a-g, 64
Consent An agreement to a course of action based on a shared understanding of whatÌýwill be involved. In the General Data Protection Regulation ‘consent’ of the dataÌýsubject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indicationÌýof the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clearÌýaffirmative action, signifies agreement in the processing of personal data relatingÌýto him or her (GDPR (32); Article 4.11; Article 7).
See also:ÌýInformed consent
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP16, 26, 27a, 28,Ìý55f, 78, 83a, 88
Contract ÌýAn agreement, written or oral, between the people involved about the termsÌýon which something (goods or services) will be provided. Any businessÌýand therapeutic terms and conditions that are agreed between counsellingÌýprofessionals and their clients will usually form part of the legal contract betweenÌýthem. Contracts may be useful in reinforcing and clarifying practitioners’ ethicalÌýcommitments to their clients and should generally be in writing, or in anotherÌýform appropriate to the client’s needs. It is good ethical practice to ensure thatÌýany contractual terms are clear and easily understandable and that the contractÌýis readily available for the people concerned to check what has been agreedÌýbetween them. It is a legal requirement that any information and communicationÌýrelating to the processing of personal data should be ‘easily accessible and easyÌýto understand, and that clear and plain language be used’ (GDPR (39)) WhereÌýappropriate, information may be given using electronic form or using visualisation.ÌýCommunications to a child ‘should be in such a clear and plain language that theÌýchild can easily understand’ (GDPR (58)). Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Introduction, GP31, 31a,
31b, 31f, 38, 55e, 83d
Contractual incompatibilities These occur when there are differences or contradictions between contracts thatÌýapply to the work being undertaken. Incompatibilities may arise, for example,Ìýbetween a contractual agreement with a client, the practitioner’s agreements withÌýsupervisors and/or trainers, the contractual terms and conditions of a professionalÌýbody to which a practitioner belongs, a practitioner’s contract of employment, anyÌýcontractual agreements or regulatory requirements that apply to an organisationÌýemploying the practitioner. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP31f, 83d
Counselling A specialised way of listening, responding and building relationships basedÌýon therapeutic theory and expertise that is used help clients or enhance theirÌýwellbeing. This term is widely used throughout the Ethical Framework for theÌýCounselling Professions. Ìý
Counselling professions Providers of services informed by therapeutic theory and practice that areÌýdelivered with sufficient expertise to satisfy professional standards and ethics.ÌýThese professions include coaching, counselling, pastoral care, psychotherapy andÌýusing counselling skills.Ìý Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Title, introduction, C, GP3, 37b, 47 87
Counselling skills A specialised application of communication skills informed by therapeuticÌýtheory and practice that are considered essential to practice in the counsellingÌýprofessions or may be incorporated into other roles, for example in health, socialÌýcare, education, and human resources. The use of counselling skills outside theÌýcounselling professions may be regulated or informed by that profession’s codesÌýof ethics and standards. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Introduction, GP3
Counselling related services ÌýUsed generically in a wider sense, to include the practice of counselling,Ìýpsychotherapy, coaching, mentoring and pastoral care.
See also:ÌýPractitioner
Dignity The quality of being worthy of respect from self and others – opposite ofÌýhumiliation. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E3, GP21
Dilemma A choice between two or more possible options or courses of action where it isÌýunclear which to choose for the best. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E13, GP92
Disciplinary procedures Investigation and adjudication of allegations concerning bad practice orÌýmisconduct by an employee or a member of a professional body. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
Disrepute To bring a person or group of people such as a profession into disrepute is toÌýdamage their good name or reputation. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP48
Dissemination Sharing, distribution or publishing, for example, the results of research. Ìý
Diversity Variations and differences between people. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP22a, 23
Dual relationship Having two kinds of relationship concurrently with the same person, for exampleÌýclient and neighbour, colleague and trainee, or supervisee and employee. Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: GP33b, 33c, 33d, 63, 79
Education Systematic instruction in theory and practice. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP3, 62, 66
Effectiveness A measure of what has been accomplished or achieved. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E3
See also
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:C6d, GP18, 54.
Equality Treating all people with equal fairness and impartiality, regardless of theirÌýdifferences. The Equality Act 2010 requires public bodies to protect people fromÌýdiscrimination due to any of the following characteristics – age, disability, genderÌýreassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sex andÌýsexual orientation. Discrimination against a woman due to pregnancy or maternityÌýis prohibited. The precise legal requirements vary between the different nationsÌýin the UK. Nonetheless, all practitioners in any nation or setting are ethicallyÌýcommitted to respecting these characteristics. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E12, GP22a, 23, 57
Ethical-problem-solving A systematic approach to responding to and resolving ethical challenges andÌýdilemmas. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E13, GP93
Evidence-base Evidence that is informed by systematic research, particularly into effectivenessÌýand safety. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP14b, 84
Explicit Stated in words or clearly communicated by other methods, for example by signÌýlanguage or images. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP9, 88
Face-to-face In the physical presence of the other person – not working at a distance andÌýcommunicating through technological devices such as telephones or video links. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP20
Gender identity This is interpreted broadly to include all varieties of binary (male or female),Ìýnon-binary and gender fluid identities – see Memorandum of Understanding onÌýConversion Therapy in UK. GP22e
Generalisable A rule or principle derived from research that has wide or general application. Ìý
Harm Emotional, psychological, relational, social, behavioural or physical damage, orÌýneglect are forms of harm that may result in distress, heightened anxiety, damageÌýexisting relationships, reduce the capability to relate to others, and undermine theÌýself-respect or sense of personal worth of the person concerned. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C6b,
E5, 12, GP9, 10, 11, 33b, 33c, 37, 52, 52a, 52b, 55d
Identity Sense of self in relationship to others that forms the basis of responsibility andÌýmotivation. Identity may have wide variations between people. DifferencesÌýbetween between individualistic, relational and collective identity can beÌýparticularly relevant to the counselling professions and how people understandÌýtheir own autonomy or agency, relate to others, or find the social resources thatÌýsupport their resilience and resourcefulness. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E12, GP22d, 22e, 22g,
Inclusion Being welcomed and drawn into an activity or service on an equal basis to anyoneÌýelse. GP22a, 23
Informed consent Where the person giving consent is accurately informed about the reasonablyÌýforeseeable positive and negative implications in ways that that the personÌýconcerned can understand. In relation to processing personal information, dataÌýprotection legislation sets a high standard for consent.
See also:ÌýConsent
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
GP26, 27a, 88.
See also C6b, GP30, 49, 75
Insurance A premium paid for protection from financial or other types of losses. AdequateÌýprofessional practice and public indemnity insurance cover means having aÌýsufficient amount of cover to protect clients from any loss or harm arising from theÌýpractitioner’s professional and occupiers liability, if something went wrong. Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: GP19
Integrity Being moral in dealing with others, including personal straightforwardness,Ìýhonesty and coherence. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C5, E3, 5, 11, 12, GP33d, 37, 37b, 43-49, 86
Justice The principle of justice prioritises treating all clients fairly and impartially, andÌýensuring the adequate provision of services. This principle underpins respectingÌýequality, diversity and inclusivity in how services are provided, being attentiveÌýto how ethical and legal obligations are implemented, a willing readiness to beÌýaccountable for decisions and actions, and a commitment for striving towards aÌýprovision of services that are accessible, fairly distributed, and of sufficient qualityÌýand quantity for potential clients. Managing any reduction in services due toÌýshortages according to the principle of justice is particularly challenging. Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: E5
Knowledge A practitioner has knowledge when they are aware of and understand somethingÌýboth theoretically and practically. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2b, E3, 12, GP14, 14d, 14e, 20,
22g, 27b, 62, 74, 84, 86
Known risks These are risks that can reasonably be anticipated from research, professionalÌýliterature and guidance, or previous experience of working with clients or othersÌýfacing similar issues, for example, the possibility of feeling worse before feelingÌýbetter, impact on key relationships or performance of significant tasks etc.Ìý Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: C6a, GP51
Law A system of public morals that are enforceable in the courts. The main sourcesÌýof law are statutes, subsidiary legislation, and decisions made in courts (alsoÌýknown as case law). The commitment to giving the law ‘careful and conscientiousÌýconsideration’ requires knowing the law relevant to their practice and toÌýcarefully consider how it ought to be applied to their circumstances. CarefulÌýor conscientious consideration may require practitioners to consult legal orÌýexpert advice when appropriate. Ideally law and ethics match each other butÌýthis is not always the case. When a conflict between ethics and law arises, itÌýmay be appropriate to campaign for changes to the law whilst observing theÌýapplicable law. Conscientious objection to a legal requirement that leads toÌýdefying the applicable law is not something to be undertaken lightly as it requiresÌýa willingness to be openly accountable for resisting or breaking the law, anÌýacceptance of the risk that legal penalties may be imposed, and may requireÌýconsideration under the Professional Conduct Procedure. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP9, 14f,
23, 27c, 46, 70
Mental capacity The legal term for the mental ability to make one’s own decisions, defined inÌýEngland and Wales in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Mental Health Acts 1983Ìýand 2007,the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice (DH 2015), and the impactÌýof the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, whichÌýcame into effect in 2008. For mental capacity in other jurisdictions, please refer toÌýrelevant applicable law. Ìý
Monitor To observe or keep under review at regular intervals. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C6d, GP54, 91b
Multiple relationships Multiple relationships involved three or more types of relationship at the sameÌýtime with someone, for example friend trainee and colleague. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP33b,
Online Connected by computer or other digital technologies to communicate betweenÌýpeople. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP20
Participants Describes the people being researched in order to be inclusive of their differentÌýdegrees of active involvement in the research. Research participants may be aÌýcohort of individuals or organisations. In some forms of research, (such as actionÌýresearch) the researcher may be both researcher and participant in the research. Ìý
Performance The accomplishment of actions at an appropriate level. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP29
Practice The application of professional knowledge and skills to the work beingÌýundertaken, particularly when working directly with people. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
Introduction, E12, GP1, 11, 60, 63, 68, 79, 81b, 83a, 83e, 84, 90, 91, 92
Practitioner AÌýpractitioner is a member or registrant of the British Association forÌýCounselling and Psychotherapy who is providing therapeutically-informedÌýservices, particularly coaching, counselling, pastoral care, psychotherapy orÌýusing counselling skills. This includes being a supervisor, trainer, educator ofÌýpractitioners, or a researcher of any aspect of the counselling professions. TraineesÌýare practitioners when working with members of the public as their clients. Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: Introduction, C, E3, 5, 7, 10, 13, GP3, 11, 14d, 37b, 41, 42, 57, 58, 60, 61, 67,
82a, 84, Heading at 91
Privacy Freedom from disturbance or intrusion by other people. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C3, 3b, GP21,
31c, 55, 55d, 61
Professional standards Working to a recognised level or quality of performance, which applies to allÌýservices of that type.ÌýA fundamental professional standard sets the baseline for quality and safetyÌýbelow which a service ought not to be provided. Achieving the fundamentalÌýstandard requires adequate resources for the type of work being undertakenÌýcombined with reasonable care and skill in how the work is delivered.ÌýAn enhanced quality standard sets the level above the fundamental standard thatÌýis achievable through good use of existing resources.ÌýDevelopmental standards are ones that practitioners or the agency are aiming toÌýachieve in the future. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2, GP13-20, 66, 67, 83b, 83c, 91b
Pseudonymisation ÌýPseudonymisation means the processing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organisational measures to ensure that the personal data are not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person.’ General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: Art 4 (5)). Note that pseudonymisation is intended to be an addition to other forms of data protection measures and is not intended to preclude any other measures for data protection.Ìý(GDPR (26); (28)). Ìý
Psychotherapy A specialised way of listening, responding and building relationships based onÌýtherapeutic theory and expertise that is used help clients or enhance their wellbeing. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Introduction, GP3
Quality The level of excellence achieved in how the research has been undertaken andÌýreported. Ìý
Qualitative research Qualitative research primarily uses exploration, for example, to gain anÌýunderstanding of perceptions, opinions, reasons and motivations. Data collectionÌýmethods may involve unstructured, or semi- structured techniques, and mayÌýinclude participation and collaboration involving both the researcher andÌýparticipants. Participatory research provides the potential for the researcherÌýto involve participants in a joint consideration of ethical issues throughout theÌýresearch process, and in determining the findings. Ìý
Quantitative research Quantitative research uses methods that emphasise objective measurements andÌýthe statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected, for example,Ìýthrough polls, questionnaires and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existingÌýstatistical data, using computational techniques. Ìý
Reasonably foreseeable limitations to confidentiality Any limitations that a reasonably competent practitioner ought to be able toÌýanticipate as causing difficulties in protecting clients’ confidences, for example,Ìýarising from legal or contractual obligations to disclose confidential informationÌýor to protect people from serious harm. Some situations that arise in practice mayÌýbe so unexpected or exceptional that they are not considered to be reasonablyÌýforeseeable. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP55d
Record A catch-all word that includes all notes, records, memoranda, appointments,Ìýcommunications and correspondence, photographs, artefacts, video or audioÌýrecordings about an identifiable client. Records may exist in any format, typicallyÌýbut not exclusively, on paper or electronically. There is no distinction betweenÌýfactual and process notes in what the law regards as a record.Ìý Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2e,
GP15, 31d, 32e, 71
Regulation An authoritative rule or instruction.Ìý Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP14f, 83a
Relational autonomy The right to self-government where the people concerned view themselves asÌýinextricably linked with other people, for example, as a member of a family, socialÌýgroup or tribe. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP22d
Reliable A quality criterion particularly applicable to experimental or quantitative researchÌýthat expects any exact repetition of the research process to produce the sameÌýresults. Ìý
Reliable electronic resources Information and resources accessed by electronic means that have been subjectedÌýto good quality controls before the item was posted and/or are from people orÌýbodies who are respected for the accuracy and soundness of their output. Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: GP14a
Research A systematic enquiry or experiment to advance knowledgeÌýtypically using statistical or qualitative methods.
See also: Appendix C
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP3, 14b, 84-90
Research participants Someone being studied or providing information to a research project.Ìý‘Participant’ is now widely preferred over ‘subject’ as it places greater emphasisÌýon the active engagement of the person concerned rather than viewing them asÌýdepersonalised or passive. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP88, 89
Resilience The ability to overcome or recover from challenging situations. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E3, 10,
11, 12
Review Carefully reconsider, examine or inspect. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C6c, GP14d, 32, 33d, 65, 89
Rigour Quality criteria that when applied to all types of research refers to theÌýthoroughness with which the relevant methodological principles or quality criteriaÌýhave been achieved in the research. In traditional quantitative and experimentalÌýresearch, rigour usually refers to achieving high validity, reliability andÌýgeneralisability. In most qualitative research that is not aiming at generalisableÌýknowledge, rigour requires high validity and providing sufficient contextualÌýinformation to enable readers to decide what is transferable to other contexts thatÌýare of interest to them. As this type of qualitative research is contextually specificÌýand therefore difficult to repeat in the exactly the same way, transferabilityÌýreplaces reliability as an indication of rigour. Ìý
Risks Exposure to danger of physical, psychological or social harm. Ìý
Safeguard(ing) Protecting people’s health, safety, wellbeing and human rights in order to enableÌýthem to live free from harm, abuse or neglect. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP10, 55d
Safety Adequate protection from physical, psychological or social harm. Ìý
Self-respect This principle prioritises growing the practitioner’s sense of personal andÌýprofessional integrity through supporting and enhancing the quality of workÌýundertaken and being actively engaged in its ethical and therapeutic purpose.ÌýBeing attentive to self-care to ensure that one’s resilience and resourcefulnessÌýare sufficient to work to adequate standards in the counselling professions,Ìýmonitoring one’s well-being in supervision, having a good work-life balance are allÌýexamples of the application of this principle. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E5
Sense of self An awareness or understanding of oneself and one’s relationships with otherÌýpeople and the environment. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: E3, 12
Services Professional assistance provided by practitioners to their clients, or providedÌýindirectly by providing services designed to enhance the work of practitionersÌýworking on the frontline, for example through supervision, training or research.ÌýThis term is used widely throughout the Ethical Framework for the CounsellingÌýProfessions. Ìý
Sexual orientation This refers to the sexual or romantic attraction someone feels to people of theÌýsame sex, opposite sex, more than one sex, or to experience no attraction – seeÌýMemorandum of Understanding on Conversion Therapy in UK. GP22e
Sexual (relationships) Any action or communication directed towards another person involving acts,Ìýwords or behaviour that arouse or gratify sexual impulses or desires. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
GP34, 35, 36, 37b
Skills An ability to perform tasks well using knowledge and practical expertise. Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: C2b, E12, GP14, 14d, 14e, 27b, 62, 74, 81b
Social media Websites and electronic applications that enable users to create and shareÌýcontent or to participate in social networking. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP33c
Standards See Professional standards Ìý
Student A person following a course of study at a university, college, institute or otherÌýeducational establishment, including trainees on professional courses. Â鶹ԭ´´
2018: GP75, 76, 77
Supervision A specialised form of professional mentoring provided for practitionersÌýresponsible for undertaking challenging work with people. Supervision isÌýprovided to ensure standards, enhance quality, stimulate creativity, and supportÌýthe sustainability and resilience of the work being undertaken.

Academic or Research-supervision is different. It is an academic role,Ìýusually provided by an academic institution to advise students and researchers inÌýtheir studies.
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
Introduction, C6c, GP3, 14d, 33d, 37b, 53, 55d, 60-73, 83e, 93
Supervisor Someone who provides supervision.

Academic or Research-supervisor is different. It is an academic role, usuallyÌýfulfilled by an experienced academic to advise students and researchers in theirÌýstudies.
Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Introduction, GP3, 8, 42, 52d, 62,
63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 83b, 83e
Therapeutically-informed services Services developed from and informed by the theory and practices used inÌýtalking and listening therapies, typically coaching, counselling, pastoral careÌýpsychotherapy or using counselling skills. Such theories and practices mayÌýbe drawn from a wide academic and professional base, including neurology,Ìýpsychoanalysis, psychology, social sciences and other disciplines. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
Introduction, GP3
Trainee Someone working under the guidance or instruction of a trainer in order toÌýdevelop their expertise. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: Introduction, GP34, 37, 66, 80–83
Training Guidance or instruction usually within a structured programme or course. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018:
GP555d, 62, 66, 74-80, 82b, 83a, 83d, 83e
Transparency In relation to research, clarity and openness in communication, provision ofÌýinformation, and in the way in which the research process will be conducted. Ìý
Unauthorised access or disclosure This involves acting without legal authority or client consent to obtain or releaseÌýconfidential information in ways that are contrary to professional standards andÌýethics and violate the privacy of the people affected. Unauthorised disclosuresÌýmay be deliberate or they may be accidental, for example by unintentionallyÌýleaving notes or a file in a public place. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP55a
Unfairly discriminating Treating people in a prejudiced or unfavourable way in comparison to others.ÌýUnfair discrimination includes anything that diminishes how we relate to andÌýwork with others because of a failure to respect someone’s characteristics thatÌýare significant to their way of being and relating. Unfair discrimination usuallyÌýarises from prejudices against another person or group of people. Prejudices mayÌýoperate at conscious or unconscious levels in individuals, groups or organisations.ÌýThey include reacting against or being insensitive towards someone’s culturalÌývalues and beliefs, lifestyle, parental responsibilities, consensual sexual activitiesÌýbetween adults, education, social and economic status, or party politics. TheseÌýcharacteristics are in addition to those protected by law.
See also: Equality
2018: GP22b, 24
Value An assessment of the worth of the research as a contribution to knowledge. Ìý
Validity A quality criteria applicable to all types of research concerning the compatibilityÌýbetween the methodologies used and the research question(s) being investigated.ÌýIn statistical and experimental research, validity concerns whether what isÌýmeasured and how it measured matches the research question. A validity checkÌýin computing-based research investigates whether data items conform to codingÌýrequirements. Ìý
Voluntary Action undertaken of one’s own free will or choice – not coerced or constrained byÌýanother person. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: GP25
Vulnerable Being exposed to any form of physical, psychological or social harm from whichÌýsomeone may find it difficult to protect themselves or to rectify any harm caused. Ìý
Vulnerable adult The meaning of ‘vulnerable adult’ varies across different contexts but is widelyÌýused to refer to people over 18 years old who are regarded as vulnerable becauseÌýthey are unable to adequately protect themselves against significant harm andÌýexploitation or unable to take care of themselves without assistance.

In social policy, a vulnerable adult is typically someone aged 18 years or older,Ìýwho is receiving or may need community care services due to mental or otherÌýdisability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herselfÌýwithout assistance, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm orÌýexploitation.

The legal definition of a vulnerable adult in England and Wales is anyone to whomÌýhealth and social care is being provided as set out in the Safeguarding VulnerableÌýGroups Act 2006 (as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012).
Wellbeing Living in a good state of emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual health. Â鶹ԭ´´ 2018: C2d, E3, 5, 12, GP11, 29, 91