Embodiment in Trauma-Informed Child Therapy: Insights from Semi-Structured Interviews with Therapists

Hello, I'm Charlotte and I'm in my final year at the University of Northampton, MSc Counselling Children and Young People. I'm fascinated by embodiment and the idea that the body stores trauma and am investigating how therapists work with this with children.

This study aims to understand how child and adolescent therapists use embodiment when working with children in counselling. It also aims to explore how these techniques can support trauma-informed care, as well as helping children to regulate emotion, heal from trauma and feel safe in their bodies and relationships. This study seeks to provide insights that could improve therapy practices and influence how therapy is funded and developed for children in the future.

The inclusion criteria are; qualified children's counsellor or psychotherapist with a minimum of 2 years’ experience working with children aged 5-12; practitioners who use movement and embodied techniques; and those currently practicing in the United Kingdom.

If you agree to take part, we will then ask you to sign a consent form. If you do decide to take part you will be given this information sheet to keep and a copy of your signed consent form. Your participation will take around 30-60 minutes. During this time, you will be asked interview questions over secure video conferencing software. The interview questions will ask about how you use embodiment in your practice, as well as some background to your training course and your confidence with using movement-based techniques with children in counselling. You may be asked to provide further information on some of the answers you give, and will be reminded to anonymise any information on your clients to maintain confidentiality.

To take part or for more information, please contact me on charlotte.clark23@my.northampton.ac.uk