Examining the Relationship between Resilience and Socioeconomic and Demographics Factors in Trainee Counsellors
Are you a trainee counsellor located in the UK? Would you like to help us understand the relationship between resilience and socioeconomic and demographics factors?
If you have answered YES to the above, we would like you to take part in our study!
We are postgraduate students completing an MSc in Counselling at Bangor University. As part of our final dissertation, we are conducting a research study into the relationship between resilience and various socioeconomic and demographic factors for trainee counsellors.
We are hoping to recruit trainee counsellors to complete a questionnaire. We would be enormously grateful if you would participate in our study and/or share this email with trainee counsellors in your network.
Our questionnaire should take less than twenty minutes to complete and you will be asked the following types of questions:
路 Socioeconomic and Demographics: Your age, gender, financial security, level of education, and how long it is since you were last in education.
路 Resilience: I tend to bounce back quickly after hard times, and I am resilient.
路 Social Support: There is a special person who is around when I am in need and My friends really try to help me.
Participation is voluntary, and you are free to skip any questions or withdraw at any time.
The study has been approved by Bangor University School of Psychology and Sport Science Academic Research Ethics Committee.
Please follow this link if you would like to take part in our study:
Thank you for considering our request.
Ffion Roberts,
Emma Barclay-Watt,
Haikal Subahan,
Craig Stasiuk,
Holly Lee.