Mental health practitioners with lived experience of self-injury: Demographics and disclosure practices
Our research is set to look at mental health practitioners with lived experience of self-injury and how they manage their disclosure / non-disclosure practices.
Mental health practitioners face stigma and discrimination within both personal and professional context, and so far, the research around this topic is minimal. This limited insight impacts acceptance, awareness, and inclusion for practitioners with such lived experience; ultimately limiting valuable diversities of knowledge and approaches to caring within mental health services which could reduce stigma for professionals and service users alike.
We are asking mental health practitioners with lived experience of self-injury to participate in our research study by completing the fully anonymised questionnaire to help gather the first insights around this topic.
There will be an opportunity for participants to provide their email address to the research assistant – Lauren Hempseed, to partake in further research should this become available.
It is our hope that the data gathered will help inspire further research into this topic and inform the development of policy guidance for professional bodies / educators.
For more information and to participate in the survey, click .