What are therapists' experience of working with eating disorder clients using a trauma-informed approach?
I’m looking for qualified therapists to take part in my research exploring what it’s like to work with clients with eating disorders using a trauma-informed approach.
If you’re passionate about helping clients in this space and have insights to share, I’d love to hear from you! This study is all about understanding how trauma-informed care is used in practice, how effective it is, and what kind of emotional impact it has on therapists.
What’s the Study About?
As a therapist, you’ve likely seen how trauma and eating disorders can be deeply connected. But how do therapists actually define and implement trauma-informed care in this context? And what’s it like for you, emotionally, to work in this way?
This research aims to explore:
- How therapists bring trauma-informed principles into their work with eating disorders.
- Whether these approaches make a difference for clients.
- The emotional impact of working in this way as a therapist.
Can You Take Part?
To be eligible, you must:
Be a qualified therapist
Be 18 years or older
Not have a diagnosis of PTSD or be in treatment for PTSD
If you have a history of an eating disorder, you need to have been in remission for at least two years
What’s Involved?
You’ll take part in a 60-minute online interview with me via Microsoft Teams at a time that works best for you.
Want to Take Part or Find Out More?
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out via email
Rio Diedrick – D021486L@student.staffs.ac.uk
Thank you