Daisy’s anxiety meant she started missing school and she found it hard be with her friends.

Her GP referred her to a local counselling service, which sent a counsellor into her school for sessions with her.

The 14-year-old described how it was good to talk to her counsellor about what was going on.

“She made me feel like I wasn’t being judged and made it more like a conversation," said Daisy.

“At the beginning I only went to school just for the counselling sessions because I found it too hard to go into the lessons or see people I knew.â€

She said her counsellor taught her a number of strategies to help her cope with her anxiety.

And Daisy added: “By the end I realised I was a good person to be friends with and I had good qualities.â€

Counselling has helped her to feel better about herself, rebuild her friendships and get on with her life.

Watch Daisy talk about how her counsellor helped her.