Our members have been talking to the media about a range of issues and subjects including increasing numbers of people seeking counselling, friendships, and body image.

Our Vice-President Julia Samuel spoke to the for a feature on increasing awareness and take up of counselling and psychotherapy in the UK.

We shared a statistic with the Sunday Times for the article from our Public Perceptions Survey, that 85 per cent of people in the UK agreed that β€œit is a good idea to seek counselling or psychotherapy for a problem before it gets out of hand”.

Arabella Russell shared her expertise with the for an article exploring how partners look after each other when they’re ill.

Nicola Vanlint shared advice with on how to fix a drifted friendship or to let one go; Linda Kerfoot, Linda Fox, Joanne Slack, and Hannah Smart contributed to an article on the about making friends in adulthood; while spoke to Lina Mookerjee about how friendships have changed during lockdown.

Lina also talked to the Press Association about the impact of lockdowns on older people’s mental health and how to support them for an article that was syndicated in .

Ruth Micallef shared her expertise with magazine for a feature examining body image, perfectionism, and making peace with your body, and for a separate exploring emotional eating and how it affects your nutritional and mental health.

also spoke to Nia Charpentier for an article looking at under-thinkers and the reasons for under-thinking, and to Vasia Toxavidi for on why people share their secrets and private thoughts online.

Sharing crying selfies online and on social media was the focus of a article which featured comments from Natasha Page.

The spoke to Stefan Walters for a feature on finding the right partner in 2022, while Philip Karahassan discussed the end of a romantic relationship and how to deal with it in an article syndicated by the (PA).

also shared expert comment from Philip and Indira Chima about why almost two in five people were planning to quit their job in 2022.

Lara Waycot spoke to for a feature on why people felt emotionally detached from 2021. Lara also contributed to an article offering advice to people anxious about returning to β€œnormal life” after the lifting of coronavirus restrictions, which was syndicated by .

Sally Brown contributed to a feature with on celebrating New Year’s Eve under the shadow of Omicron while Andrew Harvey was on BBC Radio Nottingham talking about new year’s resolutions.Β 

shared tips from Louise Tyler on how to feel good on so-called Blue Monday.