What is spirituality... and how does it relate to therapy? Journals Published 30 Apr 2011 Open article: In this extract from his latest book, 'Exploring Therapy, Spirituality and Healing', William West shares his thoughts on the relationship between spirituality and therapy. Thresholds, Spring 2011
Working with loss Journals Published 31 Jul 2011 Judi Hattaway shares her moving and insightful experience of accompanying pupils and staff as they face multiple losses, and highlights the special role of a chaplain. Thresholds, Summer 2011
The gift of hospitality Journals Published 31 Jan 2012 Psychotherapist and Zen Buddhist monk Manu Bazzano explores the concept of hospitality and its significance to both Buddhism and the therapeutic relationship. Thresholds, Winter 2011
Writing stories with Aabira Journals Published 31 Oct 2012 Open article: Aabira, with Susan Dale as editor, uses narrative to explore her experience of living as a Muslim woman diagnosed with depression. Thresholds, Autumn 2012
A Pagan perspective Journals Published 31 Jan 2013 Estelle Seymour reflects on her research into the need for a Pagan/magickal approach to counselling. Thresholds, Winter 2012
The sublime and the dreadful: engagement and indifference Journals Published 31 Jul 2013 Edwin Salter considers the therapeutic challenge of working within the polarities of individual experience and involvement. Thresholds, Summer 2013
Supervision of psychotherapy and spiritual direction Journals Published 30 Apr 2014 Lynette Harborne considers whether the supervision of psychotherapy and spiritual direction is two contexts but one process. Thresholds, Spring 2014
Jung and Yoga: a meeting of East and West Journals Published 31 Jul 2014 Free article: Lina Mookerjee explores her relationship with yoga and spirituality in practice, through Jung鈥檚 writings. Thresholds, Summer 2014
Counsellors and religious pastoral carers in dialogue Journals Published 31 Jul 2014 William West, Terry Biddington and Phil Goss describe a research project which invites dialogue between counsellors and religious pastoral care workers. Thresholds, Summer 2014
On the supportive role of Islam in working with refugees, asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants Journals Published 4 Aug 2017 Open article: Sushila Dhall reflects on her work with Muslim refugees. Thresholds, Summer 2017