Higher Professional Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy LC&CTA (Lewisham Counselling and Counsellor Training Associates) Part Time Diploma Email: enquiries@lcandcta.co.uk Phone: 0208 3202311 Address: Broadway House,15 - 16 Deptford,Broadway,LONDON,SE8 4PA,United Kingdom
Level 7 Award for Professional Recognition (Transpersonal Arts Counsellor) Tobias Trust LTD Tobias School Of Art And Therapy Full Time MA/MSc Email: info@tobiasart.org Phone: 01342-313655 Address: Coombe Hill Road,EAST GRINSTEAD,RH19 4LZ,United Kingdom
MA Integrative Counselling & Psychotherapy for Children, Adolescents & Families University of Roehampton Part Time MA/MSc Email: stelios.gkouskos@roehampton.ac.uk Phone: 020 8392 3000 Address: Health & Wellbeing, Student Services,Richardson Building,LONDON,SW15 5PJ,United Kingdom
MA Integrative Counselling (full-time) Leeds Beckett University Full Time MA/MSc Email: directadmissions@leedsbeckett.ac.uk Phone: 0113 812 3700 Address: Leeds Beckett University,Portland Building,City Campus, Portland Way,Leeds,LS1 3HE,United Kingdom
MA Integrative Counselling (part-time) Leeds Beckett University Part Time MA/MSc Email: directadmissions@leedsbeckett.ac.uk Phone: 0113 812 3700 Address: Leeds Beckett University,Portland Building,City Campus, Portland Way,Leeds,LS1 3HE,United Kingdom
MA Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy University of Roehampton Part Time MA/MSc Email: megan.stafford@roehampton.ac.uk Phone: 0208 3923000 Address: School of Psychology,Whitelands Campus,Holybourne Ave,LONDON,SW15 4NA,United Kingdom
MA Psychodynamic Counselling and Psychotherapy University of Essex Awarded by: University of Essex Part Time MA/MSc Email: ppsdm@essex.ac.uk Phone: 01206 873640 Address: Department of Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies,University of Essex,Wivenhoe Park,COLCHESTER,CO4 3SQ,United Kingdom
MA in Clinical Counselling University of Chester Part Time MA/MSc Email: c.egeli@chester.ac.uk Address: FAO Louise Fedrick,Student Support And Guidance,Parkgate Road,CHESTER,CH1 4BJ,United Kingdom
MA in Psychotherapy and Counselling University of Leeds School Of Healthcare Part Time MA/MSc Email: admissions@healthcare.leeds.ac.uk Phone: 0113 3431201 Address: Baines Wing,LEEDS,LS2 9JT,United Kingdom
MA/PG Diploma in Humanistic Counselling York St John University Part Time PG/Advanced Diploma Email: admin.counselling@yorksj.ac.uk Phone: 01904 624624 Address: York St. John University, School of Education,Language and Psychology,Lord Mayor's Walk,York,YO31 7EX,United Kingdom