On the receiving end Journals Published 31 Jul 2011 Maureen Downton’s quest to find a cure for the physical effects of stress on her body led her on a journey through many types of therapy. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, July 2011
Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, April 2011, Vol 11 No 2 Journals Published 30 Apr 2011 In this issue ... contents and editorial
Therapy after a homicide Journals Published 30 Sep 2014 Open article: When her sister was murdered 13 years ago, Janet Nicholls’ life changed overnight. Now she trains others in the complex experience of people bereaved by homicide. Private Practice, Autumn 2014
How does anxiety arise? A neurobiological perspective Journals Published 31 Dec 2014 Richard J Evans believes we can no longer turn our backs on understanding the science that underpins our work. Here, he describes the biological and developmental factors that underlie anxiety. Private Practice, Winter 2014
Being with what is Journals Published 31 Dec 2014 Open article: Because mindfulness offers a way to develop a special relationship to suffering, it can be helpful regardless of a client’s presenting problem, argues Kamila Hortynska. Private Practice, Winter 2014
Kung fu counselling Journals Published 4 Aug 2017 Paul Nicholson argues that the correct meaning of kung fu can offer a more holistic theory for integration in practice. Private Practice, Summer 2017
Cultural counsellor: Making sense of mess Journals Published 30 Sep 2017 This column is about mess, what it means and what we do with it. Private Practice, Autumn 2017
Supervision: Pressure of time Journals Published 5 Sep 2017 Instead of covering a lot of ground in supervision, choosing to explore fewer issues can bring greater depth and clarity. Private Practice, Autumn 2017
They think it’s Alzheimer’s Journals Published 30 Jun 2017 Open article: When her mum was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Trudi Dargan already knew at some level that the memory lapses and confusion she’d been experiencing were more than the usual ones that come with ageing. Private Practice, Summer 2017
Anxiety in the workplace Journals Published 31 Dec 2014 The number of working days lost through anxiety and stress has increased by 24 per cent in the last five years. Andrew Kinder considers the important support counsellors in private practice are providing through employee assistance programmes. Private Practice, Winter 2014